Data Profile of ZIP Code 10033

About New York, NY (ZIP Code 10033)

New York

In-depth Statistics and Demographics About 10033

The 10033 ZIP Code is primarily associated with New York, NY (New York County) in the U.S. The current population estimate is 58,349. An estimated 37.9% in this New York region have a bachelor's degree or higher, and the per capita income is approximately $30,106. Median househould income is at $63,093, with an estimated 14% of the population living below the poverty line. The median age in ZIP Code 10033 is approximately 35.7 years, and 16.5% of the region's residents are aged 62 years and older.

Population in 10033

The most recent population estimate for ZIP Code 10033 is 58,349.

New York, NY

The 10033 ZIP Code is associated with New York, NY in New York County.

Area Codes associated with 10033

Telephone area codes associated with ZIP Code 10033 include 212, 347, 646, 914, 917, and 929.

Sunrise / Sunset in 10033

Sunrise: 6:12 am
Sunset: 7:37 pm
Sunrise in 10033 6:12 am
Sunrise in 10033 7:37 pm

Weather forecast for 10033

Today's forecast for 10033: Rain showers likely after 2pm. Mostly cloudy. High near 61, with temperatures falling to around 58 in the afternoon. East wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Current air quality in 10033

Air quality: Fair Air quality scale in 10033 Fair

Internet in 10033

Approximately 87.6% of households in ZIP Code 10033 have a computer, while about 82.5% of households have broadband Internet service.

Gender in 10033

The gender split in ZIP Code 10033 is an estimated 49.8% male and approximately 50.2% female.

Health Insurance in 10033

Approximately 15.8% of adults aged 18 to 64 in ZIP Code 10033 (New York, NY) are currently uninsured and do not have health insurance.

Education levels in ZIP Code 10033

In ZIP Code 10033, 73.5% of the population graduated high school, while 37.9% have a bachelor's degree or higher. In this region, 16.4% achieved an education level less than 9th grade, while 14.9% hold a graduate or professional degree. Approximately 18.0% in this New York County region reached the highest level of high school graduate (including equivalency).

Education Attained in 10033

Education Level Percent
Less than 9th grade 16.4%
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 10.1%
High school graduate (includes equivalency) 18.0%
Some college, no degree 12.5%
Associate's degree 5.1%
Bachelor's degree 23.0%
Graduate or professional degree 14.9%

Education Level Details

Pie chart displaying the education level breakdown in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of the population that has attained a specific level of education, e.g. a graduate or professional degree.

Age Breakdown in ZIP Code 10033

Residents of ZIP Code 10033 are younger than average. The median age of 35.7 years in ZIP Code 10033 is approximately 6.3% lower than the overall median age in the U.S. of 38.1 years. About 82.2% of residents are aged 18 years and older, and 16.5% of residents are 62 years and over. Approximately 21.6% of the population in 10033 falls in the age group 25 to 34 years, while an estimated 14.6% are aged 35 to 44 years. On the low end of the scale, 1.4% of 10033 residents are aged 85 years and over.

Age Breakdown Details

Bar chart displaying the age breakdown in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of the population in the region that falls into certain age ranges, e.g. 35 to 44 years old.

Age Breakdown in 10033

Age Range Percent
Under 5 years 5.9%
5 to 9 years 4.4%
10 to 14 years 4.9%
15 to 19 years 4.8%
20 to 24 years 6.8%
25 to 34 years 21.6%
35 to 44 years 14.6%
45 to 54 years 11.6%
55 to 59 years 6.4%
60 to 64 years 4.9%
65 to 74 years 7.6%
75 to 84 years 5.1%
85 years and over 1.4%

Income in ZIP Code 10033

The median household income in ZIP Code 10033 is $63,093, while the region's mean household income is $80,333. Breaking income down further, per capita income in the region is $30,106. The per capita income in ZIP Code 10033 of $30,106 is approximately 23.45% less than the per capita income in the U.S. overall of $39,326. An estimated 14.2% of the population is living below the poverty line in this region. This rate is approximately49.47% higher than the overall poverty rate in the U.S. of 9.5%. Regarding household income, approximately 16.4% of the population in 10033 earn $100,000 to $149,999 per year, while an estimated 15.5% earn $50,000 to $74,999 per year, and 5.7% of 10033 residents earn $200,000 or more per year.

Household Income Details

Bar chart displaying household income in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of households in this region that fall within different income ranges, e.g. $100,000 to $149,999 per year.

Total Income in 10033

Household Income Percent
Less than $10,000 per year 7.5%
$10,000 to $14,999 per year 6.8%
$15,000 to $24,999 per year 10.4%
$25,000 to $34,999 per year 7.3%
$35,000 to $49,999 per year 9.0%
$50,000 to $74,999 per year 15.5%
$75,000 to $99,999 per year 13.2%
$100,000 to $149,999 per year 16.4%
$150,000 to $199,999 per year 8.2%
$200,000 or more per year 5.7%

Race & Ethnicity in ZIP Code 10033

Looking at race in the population that makes up ZIP Code 10033, 90.7% is one race, while 9.3% are two or more races. Approximately 67.1% of 10033 residents are hispanic or Latino (of any race). The most common race in 10033 (race alone or in combination with one or more other races), is White (46.1%), followed by Some other race (41.3%) .

Race Breakdown Details

Bar chart displaying the racial composition of ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of the population of each race (race alone or in combination with one or more other races).

Racial Composition of 10033

Industry Percent
White 46.1%
Black or African American 14.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native 5.2%
Asian 3.7%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Some other race 41.3%
* Race alone or in combination with one or more other races

Language Breakdown in ZIP Code 10033

In ZIP Code 10033, 28.5% of the population lists "English only" as the language spoken in home, while 62.8% of lists Spanish. Additionally, Asian and Pacific Islander languages are spoken in 4.5% of homes, and other Indo-European languages are spoken in 1.5% of homes. Lastly, 2.6% of homes list "other languages" as spoken in the home. All percentages referenced are for the population 5 years and older in this New York County region.

Language Spoken in 10033

Language Spoken Percent
English only 28.5%
Spanish 62.8%
Other Indo-European languages 4.5%
Asian and Pacific Islander languages 1.5%
Other languages 2.6%
* Population 5 years and over

Language Spoken in Home

Bar chart displaying the language spoken in homes in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of homes in the area that list a specific language as being spoken in the home, e.g. Spanish.

Real Estate & Housing in ZIP Code 10033

The median home value in ZIP Code 10033 in February 2022 comes in at $1,422,646. The February 2022 value is approximately 4% higher than the $1,371,078 median value in September 2021, and 48% higher than the $959,944 median value in March 2021. Regarding the age of homes in ZIP Code 10033, an estimated 60.8% of homes were built in 1939 or earlier. Additionally, 14.5% of homes in the region were built between 1940 and 1949, while an estimated 0.0% of homes were built in 2014 or later in this New York County region.

Home Values in 10033

Month Home value
Feb 2022 $1,422,646
Jan 2022 $1,426,329
Dec 2021 $1,408,088
Nov 2021 $1,402,232
Oct 2021 $1,404,161
Sep 2021 $1,371,078
Aug 2021 $1,329,021
Jul 2021 $1,388,807
Jun 2021 $1,387,901
May 2021 $1,403,159
Apr 2021 $964,906
Mar 2021 $959,944

Median Home Values Over Time

Line chart displaying median home values in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes a recent 12-month span of home values in the region.

Age of Housing in 10033

Year Home Built Percent
Built in 2014 or later 0.0%
Built between 2010 and 2013 0.2%
Built between 2000 and 2009 1.5%
Built between 1990 and 1999 0.7%
Built between 1980 and 1989 1.5%
Built between 1970 and 1979 3.3%
Built between 1960 and 1969 9.2%
Built between 1950 and 1959 8.2%
Built between 1940 and 1949 14.5%
Built in 1939 or earlier 60.8%

Housing Age Breakdown

">Bar chart displaying the breakdown on housing ages in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of homes in the region that were built in a certain time frame, e.g. built between 1950 and 1959.

Chronic Health Issues in ZIP Code 10033

One of the leading chronic health issues in ZIP Code 10033 is high cholesterol, as an estimated 34.1% of adults aged 18 and older deal with this issue. Another chronic health issue of concern for residents of 10033 is high blood pressure, as approximately 24.2% of adults 18 and older in this New York County region contend with that issue.

Chronic Health Issues Breakdown

Bar chart displaying a breakdown of chronic health issues in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of adults aged 18 and above that have specific chronic health issues, e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, or arthritis.

Health Issues in 10033

Health Issue Percent of adults*
Arthritis 17.6%
High blood pressure 24.2%
Cancer (excluding skin cancer) 4.9%
Current asthma 10.7%
Coronary heart disease 4.8%
Diagnosed diabetes 10.7%
High cholesterol 34.1%
Chronic kidney disease 3.1%
Stroke 2.6%
* aged 18 & above

Health Risk Behaviors & Prevention in 10033

One of the top preventative health measures in ZIP Code 10033 is cholesterol screening, as an estimated 84.6% of adults 18 and older take part in this preventive measure. Additionally, 84.2% of those 18 and above in 10033 list current access to health insurance, as a preventive measure. Common health risk behaviors in 10033 include sleeping less than 7 hours (32.3% of adults aged 18 and above) and no leisure-time physical activity (27.6% of those 18 and older).

Preventative Health in 10033

Preventive Measure Percent of adults*
Current access to health insurance 84.2%
Taking medicine for high blood pressure control 72.4%
Visits to doctor for routine checkup 71.8%
Cholesterol screening 84.6%
Visits to dentist or dental clinic 60.4%
* aged 18 & above

Preventative Health Measures

Bar chart displaying preventative health data in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of adults aged 18 and above that engage in preventative health measures, e.g. sholesterol screenings and visits to doctors for routine checkups.

Health Risk Behaviors Details

Bar chart displaying health risk behaviors details in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of adults aged 18 and older that engage in health risk behaviors, e.g. smoking or binge drinking.

Health Risk Behaviors in 10033

Risk Behavior Percent of adults*
Binge drinking 20.1%
Current smoking 13.2%
No leisure-time physical activity 27.6%
Obesity 23.5%
Sleeping less than 7 hours 32.3%
* aged 18 & above

Utilities in ZIP Code 10033

Regarding solar power potential, ZIP Code 10033 has an average daily solar radiation level of 4.9 kWh/m2/day. This is approximately 18.93% greater than an area in the U.S. with historically low solar radiation levels (WA), and about 25.64% less than an area in the U.S. with historically high solar radiation levels (AZ).

Electricity Breakdown Details

Bar chart displaying the electricity rates breakdown in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes electricity rates in 10033 compared to rates in the state and rates in the U.S. as a whole.

Electricity Rates in 10033

Region Residential Commercial Industrial
ZIP Code 10033 23.21¢/kWh 11.55¢/kWh 10.6¢/kWh
New York
United States

Solar Power in 10033

Month ZIP Code 10033 Low (WA) High (AZ)
Jan 3.71 1.9 5.84
Feb 4.68 3 6.31
Mar 5.17 3.65 7.02
Apr 5.54 5.13 7.3
May 5.09 5.17 7.13
Jun 5.68 5.72 6.95
Jul 5.84 6.22 6.51
Aug 5.51 6.08 6.65
Sep 5.59 5.15 7.02
Oct 4.6 3.32 6.92
Nov 3.97 2.33 5.99
Dec 3.39 1.78 5.46
All figures listed are kWh/m2/day — kilowatt hours per square meter per day

Solar Radiation Levels

Line chart displaying solar radiation levels in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes solar power levels in 10033 compared to radiation levels in both a historically low radiation state (WA) and a historically high radiation state (AZ).

Jobs Breakdown in ZIP Code 10033

In 10033, 68.0% of the population is in the labor force. Recent estimates place 5.4% as working from home, while the total labor force in the region has a mean travel to time to work of 42.1 minutes. Approximately 29.1% of the employed population 16 years and over in 10033 work in educational services, and health care and social assistance, while an estimated 17.3% work in arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services. On the lower end of the scale, just 0.0% of 10033 workers 16 years and over work in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining.

Job Industry Breakdown Details

Bar chart displaying job industry breakdown details for ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the percentage of the population 16 years and over that work in certain industries, e.g. educational services, and health care and social assistance.

Job Industry Breakdown in 10033

Industry Percent
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 0.0%
Construction 3.4%
Manufacturing 3.6%
Wholesale trade 2.9%
Retail trade 7.4%
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 4.0%
Information 3.9%
Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing 10.1%
Professional, scientific, management, and administrative 10.0%
Educational services, and health care and social assistance 29.1%
Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services 17.3%
Other services, except public administration 6.4%
Public administration 1.9%

Consumer Financial Products Complaints in 10033

Regarding consumer complaints about financial products in ZIP Code 10033, credit reporting or credit repair services have received the most complaints in 10033 in the past 12 months. Debt collection received the second most complaints. The most frequent complaint overall in this New York County region was incorrect information on a report.

Consumer Complaints (Products)

Pie chart displaying the specific consumer financial products associated with complaints that originated from residents in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the specific products that were the subject of complaints, e.g. a mortgage or a credit card.

Consumer Complaints by Product in 10033

Complaint Product Number of Complaints*
Credit reporting or credit repair services 93
Debt collection 13
Credit card or prepaid card 8
Checking or savings account 5
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service 4
Other 2
* Total in 2021

Consumer Complaints by Issue in 10033

Complaint Issue Number of Complaints*
Incorrect information on your report 61
Improper use of your report 22
Attempts to collect debt not owed 11
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation 9
Managing an account 3
Other 19
* Total in 2021

Consumer Complaints (Issues)

Pie chart displaying the complaints about consumer financial products and services that were sent to companies for response from residents in ZIP Code 10033. This visualizes the specific complaint issues that arose in this region, e.g. incorrect information on a report.