Frequently Asked Questions About ZIP Code 68719

68719 ZIP Code FAQs and quick facts

Answers to frequently asked questions about the 68719 ZIP Code (Bristow, NE)


What region of the U.S. is ZIP Code 68719 associated with?

The 68719 ZIP Code is primarily associated with Bristow, NE in the United States.

What U.S. county is ZIP Code 68719 located in?

The 68719 ZIP Code is located in Boyd County in the state of Nebraska.

What is the current population estimate for ZIP Code 68719?

The ZIP Code 68719 has a current population estimate of 126, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

What income range is most common for those living in ZIP Code 68719?

An estimated 26.9% of the residents in 68719 earn $50,000 to $74,999 per year, the highest percentage of any range, while 19.2% earn $35,000 to $49,999 per year.
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What is the racial composition of ZIP Code 68719?

The most common race in 68719 (race alone or in combination with one or more other races), is White (100.0%), followed by Asian (4.0%) . In this region, 96.0% of residents are one race, while 4.0% are two or more races.
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What is the most frequent language spoken in home in ZIP Code 68719?

In ZIP Code 68719, approximately 97.5% of the population in 68719 list "English only" as the language spoken in home. This is the most common in-home language spoken in the region.
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Other than English, what is the most common language spoken in home in the 68719 ZIP Code?

An estimated 1.7% of residents in ZIP Code 68719 speak Other Indo-European languages at home. This is the most common language spoken in home, other than English.
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Are there more females or males in ZIP Code 68719?

There are more males than females in ZIP Code 68719. Females comprise approximately 48.4% of the population, while males make up an estimated 51.6%.

What is the average age of residents in ZIP Code 68719?

Residents of ZIP Code 68719 have a median age of 55.3 years. People aged 65 to 74 years make up approximately 17.5% of the population in 68719, the largest percentage of any age group.
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Is the population in ZIP Code 68719 older or younger than average?

Residents of ZIP Code 68719 are older than average. The median age of 55.3 years in ZIP Code 68719 is approximately 45.14% higher than the overall median age in the U.S. of 38.1 years.
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How many residents in ZIP Code 68719 are senior citizens?

An estimated 27.8% of residents in ZIP Code 68719 are of age 62 years and older.
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What portion of the population in ZIP Code 68719 is of voting age?

According to U.S. Census Bureau data, approximately 76% of residents in the 68719 ZIP Code are in the voting age population (18 and over).

How many residents in ZIP Code 68719 are high school graduates?

In ZIP Code 68719, 95.7% of the population graduated high school. In this region, 4.3% achieved an education level less than 9th grade, while 0.0% attended 9th to 12th grade, but did not receive a diploma.
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How many residents in ZIP Code 68719 are college graduates?

In ZIP Code 68719, 12.9% of the population has a Bachelor's degree or higher. An estimated 32.3% attended some college, but did not receive a degree.
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What is the highest level of education attained for the typical resident in ZIP Code 68719?

An estimated 46.2% of the residents in 68719 reached the level of high school graduate (includes equivalency), the highest percentage of any level. Additionally, 32.3% reached the level of some college, no degree.
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When were most homes built in ZIP Code 68719?

Approximately 51.0% of homes in ZIP Code 68719 were built in 1939 or earlier. This is, relatively speaking, the largest of percentage of any time range. Additionally, 11.5% of homes in the region were built between 1940 and 1949.
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How many people in ZIP Code 68719 do not have health insurance?

Approximately 7.2% of adults aged 18 to 64 in ZIP Code 68719 are uninsured and do not have health insurance.

What is the most common chronic health issue in ZIP Code 68719?

The most common chronic health issue in 68719 is high cholesterol, as an estimated 41.9% of adults aged 18 and older deal with this issue.
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What is the most frequent health risk behavior by residents of ZIP Code 68719?

The most frequent health risk behavior in 68719 is 'obesity', as approximately 37.6% of adults aged 18 and older in the region engage in this behavior.
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What is the top health prevention measure taken by residents of ZIP Code 68719?

The most common preventive measure in 68719 is listed as 'current access to health insurance', as an estimated 92.8% of adults 18 and older list this prevention measure.
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What job industry do residents of ZIP Code 68719 work in most frequently?

An estimated 17.4% of the employed population 16 years and over in ZIP Code 68719 work in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining. This is the largest percentage of any job industry.
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Which area codes are associated with ZIP Code 68719?

Telephone area codes that are frequently associated with ZIP Code 68719 include: 531.

How common is broadband Internet service in ZIP Code 68719?

An estimated 61.5% of households in ZIP Code 68719 have broadband Internet service. Approximately 75.0% of households in the region have a computer in home.

Does ZIP Code 68719 have good solar power potential?

The 68719 ZIP Code has above average solar power potential when compared to the U.S. as a whole. This region's average solar radiation level of 5.2kWh/m2/day is 5.05% greater than the overall U.S. daily average.
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How is the air quality in ZIP Code 68719?

The current air quality level in ZIP Code 68719, according to the Common Air Quality Index (CAQI) air quality index, is: Fair.
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